Our Collection Site Partners
1st Natl Bank of Scotia
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Arthur's Market
Capital Region Chamber of Commerce /Cioffi Slezak Wildgrube PC
Electric City Apartments
Frog Alley
Galesi Group
Habitat For Humanity of Schenectady County
Hamilton Elementary
Hardwired Fitness
Inner Bliss
Keane Elementary
LeCHASE Constructions
MLK Elementary
NBT Bank
Open Door Bookstore
Paige Elementary
Price Chopper / Market 32
RiverHouse Schenectady
Schaffer Heights
Schenectady City Hall
Schenectady County Connects
Schenectady County DSS
Schenectady County Office Building
Schenectady CrossFit
Schenectady Fire Department
Schenectady Greenmarket
Schenectady High School
Schenectady Library - Main
Schenectady Library - Woodlawn
Schenectady Police Department
Schenectady Schools District Office
St. Joseph's Athletic Club
St. Luke's Catholic Church
Stoney's Irish Grill
The Landing Hotel
The Schenectady Trading Co
Union College
Van Corlaer Elementary
Zone 5
Scotia Glenville
1st Natl Bank of Scotia
Guan Ho Ha
Mohawk Honda
Price Chopper / Market 32
Residences at Fox Meadow
Schenectady Library - Glenville
Scotia-Glenville High School
Town of Glenville
1st Natl Bank of Scotia
Arrow Bank - Rotterdam
Price Chopper / Market 32
Residences at Vista Square
Schenectady Library - Rotterdam
Harding Mazzotti, LLP
1st Natl Bank of Scotia
Congregation Agudat Achim
Iroquois Middle School
Niskayuna Co-op
Price Chopper / Market 32
Schenectady Curling Club
Schenectady Library - Niskayuna
Van Antwerp Middle School
Schenectady Library - Quaker